
Students Welfare and Discipline Committee

The Students Welfare and Discipline Committee is reconstituted with the following members for the academic year 2024-2025.

S. NoName of the MemberDesignation and DepartmentDesignation in Committee
1Dr. K.PorkumaranPrincipalChairperson
2Dr. V. RagaviDean-Student AffairsConvener
3Ms. N. PreethiAssistant Professor- S & HCo- Convener
4Dr. V. NarasimharajAssociate Professor- MCTMember
5Mr. B. KalinsAssistant Professor- S & HMember
6Dr. V. K. ReshmaAssociate Professor - CSEMember
7Mr. R. SivasubramanianAssistant Professor- MECHMember
8Ms. P. KeerthanaAssistant Professor- ITMember
9Mr. J. R. Dinesh KumarAssistant Professor- ECEMember
10Harish Gopalan. P .SStudent-IV M.Tech CSEMember
11Malavika .TStudent-III ITMember
12Nishok .JStudent-II ITMember
13Praveena .MStudent-II CSEMember
14Harsha Ruban .P .SStudent-II ECEMember
15Aditya .S .MStudent- II EEEMember