SKCET established AICTE Aero Vision Drone Center of Excellence | SKCET proud to be recognized by AICTE for establishing IDEA LAB | Swayam NPTEL Local Chapter: SKCET secured 66th rank pan India among 6598 Institutions | SKCET designated as a Nodal Centre for Virtual Labs under IIT Delhi |
It is suggested that teachers must show love and affection to all students and be just and impartial to all, regardless of caste, creed, sex, status, faith, language, or place of birth.
Moral guidance must be given to the students in their physical, social, intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual development.
Instructors need to observe the diversity among students from different socio-cultural backgrounds and adapt his/her teaching accordingly.
Teachers must be role models to the students and serve as a mentor, exemplars, and a motivator.
Engaging in professional development programmes such as in-service curriculum and training, lectures, symposia, workshops, conferences, and self-study is highly appreciated.
Teachers should promote team spirit in a WIN-WIN strategy.
It is requested to obtain membership in professional organizations for their career enhancement.
It is recommended that the teachers must oblige the management‟ ‘s policies adopted for their well-being and the students.
Maintaining the classroom environment in a disciplined manner is mandatory.
Teachers must adopt different strategies in the teaching-learning process.
It is mandatory to maintain integrity, respect, open-mindedness, discipline, tolerance, team spirit, and a sense of responsibility as ethical practices.
Punctuality should be followed in the classes and students must submit their assignments, and project works before the given deadline.
Students must not cause any damage to the college properties.
Respect and dignity must be given to their peers and all the employees of the institution.
Proper dress code must be followed in the college premises and in the laboratories.
To organize any event, prior permission from the higher authorities must be obtained.
It is instructed that students must contribute to the reputation of the institution by indulging in activities like the National Service Scheme.
Students’ profiles must be updated once in six months by participation in events like national and international hackathons. They have to meet the expectations of the institution in terms of academic matters and personal behaviour.
Employees must be loyal to the institution, and maintain punctuality and confidentiality in all official matters.
It is instructed that the staff members have to respect the hierarchy in the administration.
It is recommended that the staff members must bring about dignity in treating students with care and kindness.
Serenity has to be followed in answering queries from the employees, students, and parents.
The lab technicians must look after the equipments; keep the lab premises clean and tidy.