SKCET established AICTE Aero Vision Drone Center of Excellence | SKCET proud to be recognized by AICTE for establishing IDEA LAB | Swayam NPTEL Local Chapter: SKCET secured 66th rank pan India among 6598 Institutions | SKCET designated as a Nodal Centre for Virtual Labs under IIT Delhi |
SKCET established AICTE Aero Vision Drone Center of Excellence | SKCET proud to be recognized by AICTE for establishing IDEA LAB | Swayam NPTEL Local Chapter: SKCET secured 66th rank pan India among 6598 Institutions | SKCET designated as a Nodal Centre for Virtual Labs under IIT Delhi |
SKCET established AICTE Aero Vision Drone Center of Excellence | SKCET proud to be recognized by AICTE for establishing IDEA LAB | Swayam NPTEL Local Chapter: SKCET secured 66th rank pan India among 6598 Institutions | SKCET designated as a Nodal Centre for Virtual Labs under IIT Delhi |